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Podcast: Girl, Interrupted (Review)

by Katalina WattContent Warning: description of mental health institution, brief mentions of self-harm, suicide, abuse…

Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook

Passion or Dysfunction? Hollywood's Unhealthy Love Model

by Fiona Longmuir The first moment you see him, you know. The second he steps onto the cinema screen. He’s…

Mental Health: a Headache

by Izzy PilkingtonImage credit: Alice Donovan Rouse, via Unsplash It is a headache going through it, and a…

Show Promo Image: BoJack Horseman

Watch It: The Shows (and Films) That Won’t Let You Down

by Josie Deacon There’s nothing worse than when you’re relaxing on the couch with several snacks, possibly a…