By Josie Deacon

Illustration by Ida Henrich

It’s Autumn! That means…Freshers!

Starting Uni can be trying and the last thing you want to worry about is money. Finances and budgeting can be stressful, especially if no one has taught you how to budget. I’ve compiled a list of money saving tips, plus how to create and maintain a budget, in the hope that it might help. Here’s how to start…


Create a budget

Step one:  Work out your monthly Income

(If you’re paid monthly you can skip to step two). Take your annual income and divide by 12. Easy enough.

Example: £12,000 / 12 = £1000 a month


Step two:

Deduct the cost of your bills. Example:

-£450 rent and -£172 bills = £378 left over


Step three:

Divide the left over amount by 4.

Example: £378 / 4 = £94.50 a week

I find it hard to estimate how much I will spend on a food shop, so I don’t. Instead, I tend to try and prioritise my food shop by getting it done at the start of my weekly budget.

If you end up having to buy something more expensive than your weekly budget all you have to do is deduct the cost from the monthly (or even yearly budget) and then update your month/week budgets accordingly.

I used an app for the first few months of university that did all this for me, but I moved onto a notebook because I love stationery. At the end of the day I would deduct my purchases from my weekly budget. I could then see on Thursday that I had £31.50 left. But don’t use that as an excuse to let too loose (unless you really need to treat yo’ self) — perhaps save that money for the next week, or if you’re able, put it in a savings account.


Love your Library

If you’re like me and love books, I would recommend signing up to your local library and checking out books from there. Or, if you really must own your books, visit charity shops first. There may even be an Oxfam Bookshop where you live!


Chop your Food Spend

Takeaways, cafés, and restaurants are pretty pricey. Sometimes we eat out because we don’t have the time or energy to cook, so make sure you prepare in advance by instead making or buying quick and easy meals and freezing them. They aren’t the cheapest, but even buy a few freezable ready meals — better that than a Domino’s!


Think Green and Local

You may think £1 for a pack of mushrooms from Tesco is cheap, but when in reality you don’t eat £1’s worth and end up chucking out most of them, it’s not. At the greengrocers you can buy just the amount you actually need. I was shocked when I managed to get all my weekly fruit and veg from for just £2! Plus, help save the planet by not using plastic bags.


Start Sharing

This sort of clashes with the above tip. However supermarkets have good family deals that aren’t worth it for individuals. You can share milk, veg, butter, eggs, bread, and other things you may not eat that much of on your own. This also saves on fridge space when you have one bottle of milk rather than four.

Only buy 3 for 2 or Buy 1 Get 1 Half Price if you need it

It really isn’t saving money if you weren’t going to buy that item in the first place.


Freecycle is your friend

Freecycle’s an amazing recycling website for people to give away furniture and other household items online that they don’t need anymore. Everything’s free. Yipee!


Think Ahead

A big money stress can be trying to find money for winter heating. Pay extra when your first few bills come, if you get a bill in the summer for £40 pay £60 (if you can afford it). This means you have £20 credit come winter, which will really help. 

Josie Deacon

Josie grew up in the capital of the Highlands, Inverness, in a busy household with two older brothers, a cat, and a dog.  She left school at 17 and moved to Newcastle, where she studied Drama and Scriptwriting at Northumbria University. University was the making of Josie, she got involved with a lot of film and theatre, becoming president of the Drama Society, the Scriptwriting Society, and producing, directing and acting in several short films for student film companies. After graduation Josie moved to Edinburgh with her cat, Twiggy, and started to look for work. Having no desire to work in drama professionally, Josie started working in administration, then got involved with Fearless Femme as a contributor. Josie was thrilled when her application for the role of Digital Media Manager was successful.

As Digital Media Manager, Josie is the voice of Fearless Femme, creating connections with the Rebelles and the public. She spends her day shouting to the world about what we’re up to and she loves it when people shout back.

When not at work, Josie loves to write, play video games and Dungeons and Dragons and also volunteers with animal welfare projects. Josie loves all animals but squirrels are her favourite. You can contact her at

Ida Henrich

Ida Henrich is a German Cartoonist, Illustrator and Designer based in Scotland. She has worked with award winning publishers, online coaches and magazines. Ida is a graduate of Communication Design at the Glasgow School of Art where she specialised in Illustration. In her own work she explores themes such sex-education, growing up, and women’s experiences. Her comics and illustrations are written for both men and women and aims to start an open dialogue between partners, friends, parents, and children about their one’s own experiences. She believes that Art is a powerful way to make ideas and feelings tangible.

As Art Editor, Ida is responsible for all things visual at Fearless Femme including the correspondence with our visual artists, the design and realisation of the online magazine and the illustration of our amazing cover girls. She will also be creating artwork for some of our articles, poems and stories.

Ida loves her coffee in the morning, that feeling after finishing an illustration and going for a run in the (Scottish) sun; and pilates on the rainy days. Ida enjoys SciFi books and autobiographies, and autobiographical comics. She is always delighted to meet new people on trains but is also smitten being home alone colouring in an illustration that she has made way to intricate while listening to Woman’s Hour. You can contact her at