By Tara

David Anada, via Unsplash

Content Warning: mentions of abuse

On the surface all looked normal

Except that I was the fallen one

Marked, defective, bottom of the food chain

Nothing could be done


I’d walk over if I cut my knee in the playground

Because that’s what I was expected to do

I knew instinctively to keep the act up

You had something to prove


Sometimes I even bought into it

I so badly wanted things to change

Visiting later, things will be different this time

And then that infamous rage


Anger, not at you, but at myself

For being stupid enough to believe

That miraculously love would engulf me

To see good, to hope, to need


One day you would see my soul

And really care about the essence of me

My heart is filled with all this hope

And I understand family


There is more magic inside me as an adult

Than the feelings you suffocated as a kid

Love is the part you can never take away

No matter what you did

In a way I developed emotional maturity

Whilst I deny, deny, deny

But I care about other people

I’d like to see you try


Tara is an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse and writes about her dissociative experiences, anxiety and mental health recovery overall.  Tara hopes that writing about her experiences of child abuse helps others who relate to feel less alone.