Laura Wigley

Image by Kelsey Chance via Unsplash

Thank fuck for friends

Gin, tears and laughter

Taking the edge off

Promises unfulfilled.


I am putting myself back together

Stronger than I feel

But today tastes like ash in my mouth

Pierces my heart

Drags me back to brokenness.


Missing you.

Missing the time unspent

Affection withheld

Love undone.


Does today feel the same for you?

Am I alone in being undone

All over again?


Thank fuck for friends

Tears, laughter and gin.

Putting me back together

Because today pierces my heart

Tastes like ash in my mouth

And breaks me

All over again

Laura Wigley

Laura Wigley is a PhD student from Edinburgh working on how to explore, understand and share what it is to live with chronic illness. Currently walking through a painful but beautiful journey of self discovery which keeps coming out as poetry. As well as writing about living in a broken body, Laura explores topics such as sexuality, autonomy, feminism and trauma.